Saturday, May 6, 2023


Today I was on a 14 hour car ride to Denver, Colorado and I was thinking about life. Seeing nature always helps me to remember that even when catastrophic things happen in nature, life goes on. Forests burn down and lakes dry up, but eventually new lakes are made and new forests grow. The human experience is so similar to nature, this comforts me in times when I feel like misery will last forever. 

This morning, however, I had the realization that every living thing has always evolved over time. And many species go extinct due to other species over hunting or over crowding their habitats. 

How are humans any different? We are slowly evolving and changing over time, just like the plants and animals we see today. We constantly seem to have to adapt to things that seem "unnatural", but change IS natural. It is natural for a species to over crowd and self promote and do what it takes to survive. Humans are doing just that-slowly evolving and changing over time, while also dominating the "lesser" specieses around them. If any other species were given the opportunity, they'd do the same to us.

Maybe those who are born without the ability to feel or know what others are feeling are LESS EVOLVED than those who can. Maybe humans are slowly evolving to have more empathy for others. We have the capacity now to see and feel how our actions affect others. Maybe this type of thinking is also something that has slowly evolved over time in the human brain, as new foods, medications, and chemicals  have been introduced to our bodies.

It wouldn't surprise me if humans went extinct one day as well, while another species takes our place as the superior race. This thought initially scared the shit out of me-if that is the case, then there really is no possibility of a human God-and that could mean endless possibilities after death, including the cease of existence. However, as I thought about it, I realized that I no longer felt anger for those who are selfish or those who hurt others. Humans are evolving and doing what any other living thing would do-fight for it's own life and well being first and foremost. 

I feel, now, that there is no good or bad. Things just ARE. There isn't anything out there that's "allowing" injustices to occur-injustices occur because they occur. It's my responsibility to live my life the way I want to AND THE WAY I CAN ACCORDING TO MY CIRCUMSTANCES. Because NO LIVING THING has ever or will ever get to choose how long of a life it gets and what kind of life it experiences. We all get what we get, and we get to do what we choose with it.

Would we call a lion "bad" for killing a zebra for food, or better yet, for sport? They do this.

Some animals will rape each other. Would we scold them or make them extinct because of this? No, because it's "natural".

I'm not promoting rape or murder in the slightest. My point is, over time, humans have evolved to be able to recognize how their actions affect other living things. Maybe this is why newer generations are considered "sensitive"-because they recognize that their actions affect other things. Just because something "has always been this way" doesn't mean it always should be this way. Maybe, just maybe, it's evolution.

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